275 Joliet Street, Suite 330 | Dyer, Indiana 46311

Big Box Stores: Labyrinths of Hidden Hazards

Big box stores have become staples of modern shopping. These sprawling retail giants put a seemingly endless selection of products under one roof, offering convenience and value. However, beneath the surface lurks a surprising number of potential hazards for unsuspecting shoppers.

Among the particular safety concerns at big box stores is the sheer size and volume of merchandise these outlets handle. Staffing levels often struggle to keep pace with the constant flow of inventory, leading to undertrained and largely unsupervised employees operating machinery like forklifts or moving ladders. They may stock shelves with precariously situated merchandise. These situations can put shoppers at risk of being struck by moving equipment or by falling objects.

Even seemingly stable displays can pose a threat. Heavy boxes perched on high shelves are tempting to customers looking for specific items. Reaching for such an item could cause it or other items in the vicinity to topple over, possibly injuring the shopper or those nearby. Similarly, floor displays laden with stacked merchandise can become unbalanced if a box or other container is removed improperly or if the display is jostled by passing shoppers.

The aisles themselves can be obstacle courses. Understaffing and the constant push to restock shelves often lead to errant pallets, shopping carts and stacks of merchandise, creating a cluttered path for shoppers to navigate. Adding to the chaos is the constant flow of foot traffic, with some shoppers carrying bulky items that could easily hit other people in their path.

Liquids pose yet another hazard. Spilled drinks, leaky products or even slush or rainwater tracked in from outside can create slippery surfaces if not cleaned up promptly. To boot, improper cleaning procedures can leave behind puddles of mop water or debris on the floor, creating an unseen danger.

The dangers extend beyond the store itself. Poorly maintained parking lots and sidewalks can have potholes, uneven surfaces and cracks, all of which can cause trips and falls. Additionally, inadequate lighting in parking lots can make it difficult for drivers to maneuver safely and might create areas of concealment that could become potential targets for criminal activity.

What should you do if you find yourself injured in a big box store? First, seek immediate medical attention if necessary. Report the incident to store personnel and document everything you can, including the date, time, location of the accident and the nature of your injuries. Take pictures of the scene if possible and try to identify any witnesses. Finally, contact a personal injury attorney, who can pursue your legal rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

At Rubino, Ruman, Crosmer & Polen in Dyer, we proudly serve individuals hurt in accidents throughout Indiana. Set up a free initial consultation by calling 219-227-4631 or by contacting us online today.

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